Tag Archives: distressed

Not All Sunsets Are Beautiful…


In 2007, the Mortgage Debt Relief Act was passed in an attempt to help the millions of homeowners who, due to the housing crisis and economic crash, suddenly found themselves in danger of losing their home to foreclosure.

The act has helped many distressed homeowners find solutions to avoid foreclosure and opened up options to them that were previously unavailable.

The Mortgage Debt Relief Act, however, was only intended to be a temporary solution and is now set to expire at the end of 2012. There is a bill in Congress that would extend it, but it is unclear if it will pass. For distressed homeowners, this means that time is limited to take advantage of this program.

Time is running out. But there is still a chance to change your financial direction and avoid foreclosure.

Don’t let time run out on you.  Contact me today and visit my website for more information and FREE reports:


7 Deadly Short Sale Myths

There are millions of homeowners just like you who are looking for answers and don’t know what to do. You’re not alone and you’re in the right place.

As a Certified Distressed Property Expert, I have training and experience in providing solutions to homeowners facing financial hardship. Despite my best efforts, there’s still an overwhelming amount of misinformation about the options available, especially short sales.

To give you a better idea of the short sale option, and to set straight some of the myths you may have heard, I’ve prepared a free report just for you – please fill out the information below to receive your free report. This report will clarify the following myths:

  • The Bank Would Rather Foreclose Than Bother With A Short Sale
  • You Must Be Behind On Your Mortgage To Negotiate A Short Sale
  • There Is Not Enough Time To Negotiate A Short Sale Before My Foreclosure
  • Listing My Home As A Short Sale Is An Embarrassment
  • Short Sales Are Impossible And Never Get Approved
  • Banks Are Waiting On A Bailout And Not Accepting Short Sales
  • Buyers Are Not Interested In Short Sale Properties

These ideas are potentially harmful to homeowners seeking real solutions. I hope you’ll review this information for yourself or share it with a homeowner in need.

In these times, we all need to know the truth to know how to get back on track.

If you have any additional concerns about this issue, or your circumstances are urgent, please give me a call.


Brian Pearl of The Pearl Real Estate Group in Boca Raton, FL has earned the prestigious Certified Distressed Property Expert (CDPE) designation, having completed extensive training in foreclosure avoidance and short sales. This is invaluable expertise to offer at a time when the area is ravaged by “distressed” homes in the foreclosure process.

Short sales allow the cash-strapped seller to repay the mortgage at the price that the home sells for, even though it is lower than what is owed on the property.  With plummeting property values, this can save many people from foreclosure and even bankruptcy. More and more lenders are willing to consider short sales because they are much less costly than foreclosures.

In the West Palm Beach area, more than 1 in 5 homes are in danger of foreclosing. It is happening in all price ranges. Local experts say that even high-priced homes are not immune.

“This CDPE designation has been invaluable as I work with sellers and lenders on
complicated short sales,” said Pearl. “It is so rewarding to be able to help sellers save their homes from foreclosure.”

Alex Charfen, founder of the Distressed Property Institute in Boca Raton, Fla., said that Realtors® such as Brian Pearl with the CDPE designation have valuable training in short sales that can offer the homeowner much better alternatives to foreclosure, which virtually destroys the credit rating. These experts also may better understand market conditions and can help sellers through the emotional experience, he said.

The Distressed Property Institute opened in January 2008 and provides training on-site and online. The CDPE is the premier designation for Realtors helping homeowners in distress and handling short sales.

“Our goal is to educate as many people as possible so we can help as many homeowners as possible,” Charfen said.

For more information about distressed properties, including short sales and foreclosures, go to Brian’s website www.pearlrealestategroup.com/shortsales
or email him at [email protected].